Northern Berkshire Food Access Collaborative (FAC)

Meeting quarterly, this collaborative convenes all people in North Berkshire connected to the Community Food System (restaurant owners, food access sites, meal sites, gardeners, and any one with a love or interest in food access). In each meeting, time is given for announcements, success stories, challenges and community happenings.  The Health and Wellness Coordinator also invites people to present projects or presentations on food system happenings.

The FAC is a great platform for connections within the food system which gives the community many perspectives and resources in order to identify needs and gaps, set tasks,  plan and take action steps.  During COVID-19 these meetings became virtual but we are happy to say the group is back to meeting in person at various locations in North Berkshire.  The quarterly meetings will be in March, June, September and December.

For more information on getting involved contact:

FAC Newsletters and other Resources

November 2022

2019 Berkshire County Community Food Assessment