What is the Hub?
The Hub is a team of designated community and government agencies that meet weekly to address specific situations with those facing elevated levels of risk, and develop immediate, coordinated and integrated responses through the mobilization of resources. The Hub does not perform case management. Its purpose is to mitigate risk within 24-48 hours and connect individuals and families to services. Case management functions remain with the most appropriate agencies as determined by the Hub Situation Table.
Who does the Hub serve?
The Hub works with families and individuals that are facing complex challenges and may need services from more than one community agency. We work together to ensure families and individuals are safe, healthy and have the opportunity to thrive.
Where & When does the Hub Table meet?
The Hub Table meets weekly on Tuesdays in north Berkshire to update the Hub Table members on current situations & review potential new situations.
How the Hub Table works:
Each partner at the table is able to present situations they or others in their organization encounter in their work. Other providers or community members contact a Hub partner with a situation. Re: a situation they have encountered where an individual or family is at an acutely elevated risk with no connection to helping support or services to mitigate that risk. The Hub Table is NOT a crisis intervention service & it is not a replacement for calling 911 in an emergency.
Examples of risk factors we work to reduce:
Antisocial/Negative Behavior
Basic Needs
Criminal Involvement
Domestic Violence
Elderly Abuse
Mental Health
Parent-Child Conflict
Public Health & Safety Threat
Sexual/Physical Violence
Substance Misuse/Addiction
Berkshire County Adult & Juvenile Probation Departments
Berkshire County Sheriff’s Department
Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority
Department of Children & Families
Hoosac Valley Regional School District
Lanesborough Police Department
Mass Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
Mt. Greylock Regional High School
North Berkshire District Court
Northern Berkshire Community Coalition